Il noto plugin tuttofare Jetpack è arrivato alla versione 2.5.
Molte le migliorie significative, buona parte rivolte al social network Google Plus, compresa una miglior gestione dell’authorship, e sulla gestione dei social network in generale.
Migliorate anche le funzioni di debug, che non guasta.
Tutte le novità qui a seguire.
- Enhancement: Connect your Google+ profile and WordPress site to prove authorship of posts.
- Enhancement: Improved sharing buttons display.
- Enhancement: Comment on your posts using Google+ to signin.
- Enhancement: Embed Google+ posts into your posts.
- Enhancement: Added event logging capabilities for debugging
- Enhancement: LaTeX is now available in dev mode
- Enhancement: Introduced gallery widget
- Enhancement: Added new module: VideoPress
- Enhancement: Updated identity crisis checker
- Enhancement: Tiled Gallery widget added
- Enhancement: Google +1 button changed to Google+ Share button, to avoid confusion
- Enhancement: Added check to ensure Google+ authorship accounts have disconnected properly
- Enhancement: Updated identity crisis checker
- Enhancement: Tiled Gallery widget added
- Enhancement: Google +1 button changed to Google+ Share button, to avoid confusion
- Enhancement: Added the ability to embed Facebook posts
- Bug Fix: Redirect issue with G+ authorship when WordPress is not in the root directory
- Enhancement: Better security if carousel to prevent self-XSS
- Enhancement: Better handling of cookies for subsites on multisite installs
- Bug Fix: Check for post in G+ authorship before accessing it